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When you were mine~ {Itachi One Shot}

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When you were mine~ {Itachi One Shot} Empty When you were mine~ {Itachi One Shot}

Post  MelodiousNocturne Mon Aug 11, 2008 6:31 pm

Read and comment.

”PLEASE!” She screamed, blood flowing freely down her side to form a puddle of dark, rust-smelling liquid on the ground.
The Uchiha gave her one, coal black look, blank. Then, his eyes grew wide and wild with amusement, and he tossed his head beck into a full-throated laugh of pure, insane joy.
She fell then, her body turning limp and landing in the pool of blood.
“Kill me then.” She whispered. “Kill me like you killed them, you…murderer!” She coughed, and more blood came out her mouth.
She would be the first, but not the last, to call him murderer. Her eyelids trembled violently, as she tried and ultimately failed to keep them open. As the blackness took over, she watched his feet walk to her, and saw a drop appear on the ground, different from the drops of her blood. It wasn’t raining, yet it was, in the space between her face and his feet, a stream of drops fell. Her eyes closed, and she momentarily struggled to open her eyes, one last time.
He was there, crying, and she blacked out.
Itachi Uchiha, on his knees, sobbing beside the body of his unconscious and only love.

~a number of years later~

“Reia.” A male voice called, and a young woman turned, her face concerned.
“Sasuke? What’s up?” She asked, startled at his tone.
“We need to talk, Reia.”
“What, am I in trouble or something?”
He didn’t respond.
“I hear something…interesting. About you.” His voice grew hard with hatred. “And my brother.”
Inside, Reia’s heart was imidiatly torn apart, her soul squeezed and broken, her spirit crushed, only to be revived and destroyed over and over again. On the outside, she grew hostile, folding her arms across her chest.
“What about me and….It-him?” She asked, unable to speak the name.
“You loved him.”
The tone shocked her more than the words, as if it was a fact, a true fact and he was resigned to believe it.
“I….” She closed her eyes, there was nothing more she could say, and Sasuke knew it. He turned and left her standing there.
One week later he left the village.
She went to pieces, screaming, crying, tearing apart anything. There went the last person on earth with a connection to Itachi besides herself. She couldn’t handel the pain of his betrayal, so like his brother’s.
So, understandable, a month after he left, she left, too.
The village covered it up, naturally. To the world, Reia Sakuno was dead.
And she knew it.

It took her time to track down Sasuke, even longer to wait for him to leave the Sound. But he did, and she followed. In her heart, she knew why she was following him, and it was because she knew his destination as well as he did. Sometimes she could swear he recognized her when she was traveling through a village and he caught a glimpse of he face, but if he did, he didn’t confront her about it, so she continued to switch from group to group, sticking with others to avoid rousing suspicion.
After a while of this, she knew where to go, and left the group of minstrels she’d been with to go to a hilltop, outside a small town, where no one ever went, and sat on the peak of one, eyes closed, and waited. Sure enough, he’d come.
Of course, he came. She heard a rustle of fabric, and opened her mouth.
“Uchiha Itachi.”
Reia stated, expecting no response and getting none. She reluctantly opened her eyes and looked up.
He was there.
Standing tall, a few feet from her, his black hair and cloak waving in the slight breeze, his red eyes gleaming in the dark. His face, was a hard mask.
She smiled, ever so slightly, and got to her feet. This night reminded her of the one, long ago, when she was his, when he loved her.
“Are you here to kill me?” Her question actually shocked Reia herself, though not as much as her tone, with which she could have been talking about the weather.
His face stayed blank, only the briefest flicker of surprise marring his features. But Reia saw it, and it was enough for her.
She took a step fore ward.
He tensed.
“You’re not going to kill me.” She said softly, marveling.
He spoke for the first time. “Don’t make such bold statements, Reia. I haven’t ruled anything out at this point.” His voice was the same deep monotone it had always been, only now, flat, emotionless. Dead. With the slightest menacing edge to it.
“It’s not bold. You won’t kill me.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I think I do.”
“You could be wrong.”
“And you’re not concerned?”
“I know you won’t kill me.”
“No you don’t! How could you possibly know it?!”
She lost it. “Because if you were going to kill me, you would have done it all those years ago, instead of crying over me and then saving my life! Yes, I know you saved me!” She shot back. “After nearly killing me in the first place! Why did you do that?!”
Itachi stared at her, as her chest rose and fell with her labored breathing. “I don’t know.” When he finally spoke, it was a whisper. The ghost of pain flickered across his features, and a lingering sadness stayed in his eyes, as he turned to leave.
“Wait! Don’t turn your back on me!” She shouted, beside herself. He ignored her. “COWARD!”
He turned slowly to face her. “Reia…you still don’t get you?” He asked, and Reia, a stubborn look in her eye, held one hand in front of her face, the same way she’d done years ago.
His reaction shocked her.
He walked fore ward, his eyes no longer the red of the sharingan, but the black of onyx, and pressed his hand against hers. For a few moments all was still and silent, as though the world had stopped turning as the two stood there, hands pressed together, the way they use to, back when he was hers, and she was his.
Then Itacih bent swiftly and placed his cool lips against her forehead as Reai stood by, shocked. He smiled faintly, then turned and fled into the night, leaving his still-love shaking on the hill.

Over the next few weeks, Reia could feel the burn of his kiss on her skin, everywhere she went. It was like a mark, branded onto her head. Finally she headed off to find him, she just had to see him again.
After a little digging, she arrived at the place he’d been spotted last. And what she found would haunt her the rest of her days. She saw him, fall to the ground. Saw the other, faceless people leave him, and a scream ripped its way out of her throat as she ran to his side.
“Itachi” She moaned and screeched at the same time. It was an odd sound, one of a heart breaking again. She briefly wondered how many times a heart could break and still beat, then disregarded the thought. She clutched his body to her, sobbing. His eyes blinked open slowly, painfully.
“Reia?” She noticed the effort it took for him to speak, to even breath. “Love, don’t cry, please.” He whispered, raising a limp hand to her face, and pressing it to her cheek.
“Love?” She whispered, her heart pulling together all its shattered pieces, preparing for when it woud be torn apart again. “You…still love me?”
He nodded weakly. “I was always yours, Reia. Always, even when-“ He coughed up blood- “You hated me.”
“I never hated you.” She whispered. “I hated myself, Itachi.” He tried to speak, but she put a trembling finger against his lips. “I hated myself…because I couldn’t bring myself to hate you. I hated myself because…through everything, I never stopped loving you, even though I should have.” She began to cry again.
“Hush, love, please.” He whispered. “I’m going to die, Reia, but I’m always gonna be yours.”
Reia bent her face to his and kissed Itaacih, one last time, holding him tight in her arms. She pulled back to wipe away a line of blood on his forehead, and smiled weakly.
“I love you.” He whispered one last time, an and his hand slipped off Reia’s face to fall to the ground. With his dying breath, he gave her a wish, his death’s wish.
”Remember when you were mine. And he was gone, leaving the only person to love him, the one to risk everything for him, sobbing and alive.

~Three Years Later~
A woman stood on the crest of a hill, one single flower in hand. She knelt at a rock, a tombstone, actually, placed the flower, and left without a word. The stone bore a single inscription:

I remember when you were mine.
Love Always
Certified(NOT) Psychologist

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