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Animal Testing?

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Animal Testing? Empty Animal Testing?

Post  blitzcrege Tue Jul 22, 2008 5:01 pm

Do you think that it should be legal to test our products on animals? Why or why not?

I do not believe we should because it is cruel and harmful to those animals. These animals did nothing wrong and are being tested and going through multiple cruel procedures. There are other ways that you can test these products. And whats the worst in my opinion is that over half of these tests are being performed by cosmetic companies! That is just a horrible and cruel offense, horrible. Look at the numbers! Between 25 and 50 billon animals are meaninglessly killed in labrotories each year.

And, animal testing can be completely pointless. Drugs that pass animal tests end up harming/killing people around 61% of the time. Why should we make animals suffer this way? I hate when people say its sureproof, when it clearly isn't.

More completely disgusting animal testing facts:

-At least thirty-three animals die in labratories each second worldwide; in the UK, one every four seconds.
-Claims about animal testing on packaging and labels of cosmetic and household products are not regulated. Statements such as "not tested on animals" or "cruelty-free" can be decieving and require further inquiry.
-Animals used in product testing most commonly include guinea pigs, rabbits, mice, rats, and dogs. Animal subjects can also include cats, ferrets, birds, and non-human primates to name a few.

I have more. But look at these. How can people support this?
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Animal Testing? Empty Re: Animal Testing?

Post  Bluebie Tue Jul 29, 2008 4:05 pm

It honestly makes me sick.
*cough* I agree with you again *cough*
All too often I hear "But one life of an animal can save thousands of human lives."
In my opinion, that's SELFISH.
Just because it isn't our species doesn't mean that it isn't still important!
*bangs head on wall*

Animal testing is just an excuse for animal cruelty, which the law allows the testing anyway. I also keep hearing about this: "But we make sure the animals are treated humanely in the testings."
I do believe that if the animal feels pain and dies, that's considered in-humane and CRUEL.
Why don't we just test the frikkin' stuff on OURSELVES?
Oooh no, wait, someone might DIE!
GOD, PEOPLE! Now you know how the animals feel!

On a side note:
Meh, I'm just that crazy person living down the street who values animal lives more than humans *shrug*
I don't know why I tell other people my opinions because they keep running away from me saying that I'm crazy and that a human life is the most precious thing in the world...
My opinion says that's selfish and biased cuz we're human.
*sits and waits for people to run away from me*

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Animal Testing? Empty Re: Animal Testing?

Post  blitzcrege Tue Jul 29, 2008 4:08 pm

I value animal lives more than human lives as well. And yeah, "To measure severe burns on live tissue, a pet is burned alive with a flame-thrower until the charred flesh can be removed in large pieces from while the animal is still alive." that's reaaaaal humane dumba**es!! I hate people who say thats humane. People who do these things to animals, along with just plain cruelty, dog fighting, ect. should have the exact same things done to them. Then we'll see how they feel about it.
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Animal Testing? Empty Re: Animal Testing?

Post  Bluebie Tue Jul 29, 2008 4:21 pm

Here's another gory thing from the dog MEAT industy:

Dogs bred for the meat trade may spend their entire lives in wire cages - usually in filthy cramped conditions. Many are packed so tightly into cages on their way to the markets that injuries are common. In addition, the dogs are often killed in horrendous ways, or beaten severely prior to being slaughtered in order to stimulate the animal to produce adrenalin, as many believe that eating such meat boosts men's virility. For example video footage shows dogs being killed by methods such as:

• Pouring boiling water over the live animal to increase the adrenaline production. Their throat is cut and the meat left to dry.

• Holes are cut in the paws. The animal is then left to bleed to death. This takes 10 minutes or so but makes the meat taste better.

• Legs broken the night before slaughter then the dog is skinned alive the next morning.

• Beating with sticks and slow strangulation/blow torching.

((taken from this site: ))

Words can not describe my hatred toward the people who do this.
How can you stare into the eyes of a living being and do such things?
And to think that people are PAYED to do such things to animals in a lab for knowledge gain....
This world is full of monsters.

I mean, umm, animal testing should be illigal. >_>;

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Animal Testing? Empty Re: Animal Testing?

Post  blitzcrege Tue Jul 29, 2008 4:24 pm

The world is filled with monsters. People willing to do this are terrible. And people paying them for it! Its not just that they get money, its that they can stand to look at the animal's pain and suffering and continue to do the things they do. Animal testing needs to be illegal, and its bad enough people eat dog meat, can't they at least kill them in humane ways? And then there's horse slaughter, dog fighting. Dog fighting is one of the worst crimes in my opinion, luckily, it is illegal. But its made people think pit bulls are monsters when they are, in fact, caring, loyal dogs.
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Animal Testing? Empty Re: Animal Testing?

Post  Bluebie Tue Jul 29, 2008 4:53 pm

Forcing an innocent animal to fight another animal against its will is beyond my words.
It irks me that Pit Bulls are illigal in an increasing amount of places.
Pit Bulls are actually some of the NICEST, SWEETEST dogs I may ever lay my eyes apon. If a dog is willing to do what the owner says, may it be fighting or throwing its life away in the dog ring for the sake of pleasing its master, it more than proves LOYALTY. But nobody seems to notice. All they see is a vicious dog. It is the human's fault that the dog was forced to do such. And, furthermore, the "winner" more than half the time dies due to injuries. Dog fighting, along with any animal fightning, is possibly the most horrendous and obscene thing that happens every single day.
Do the people who do any of the such not have a conscience?
I can't believe they do...
True, humans do fight each other in a boxing or wrestling ring, but there's limits there. In dog fightning there isn't a winner until the opponent is DEAD. No matter the cost.
*searches for the story of people who trap animals and torture them for fun, like a dude did who was the part of a highschool shooting not too long ago*
I remember seeing on Animal Planet a puppy who got thrown on a grill by a couple of highschool kids... lost his tail and a leg with permanent burn marks on him...

I was going to eat lunch, but I lost my appetite...
This world has just gone selfish and bloodlust.
What's bad is that when people get caught for obscene animal abuse like above, they don't get the legal punishment as they would doing the exact same thing to a human.
Say each of these were in the same way toward human and animal:
Cruelty to a person = 30 years to life in prison
Brutally Destroying a person = life to death sentance
Cruelty to an animal(s) = $1,000 fine to 8 months in jail
Brutally torturing and destoying an animal(s) = $100,000 fine to 2 years in jail

One person is apparently equal to more than one animal in the legal world...
and even THEN it isn't just.

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Animal Testing? Empty Re: Animal Testing?

Post  blitzcrege Tue Jul 29, 2008 5:05 pm

I agree! Thats just stupid, these animals have the same exact feelings! These animals are BETTER than us humans in my opinion. I saw on Animal Cops once a dog that had a cinder block thrown into its head. And it was a pit bull. And, for pit bulls, in this one book I have on how important dogs are to us, there's a story about a dog named Popsicle. The police raided a drug bust and opened a freezer there, and found a pit bull pup who'd been used as bait for the other dogs to attack, then thrown in the freezer to die. They rescued him and he is now one of the top dogs who searches for drugs. Pit bulls are such great dogs. I hate hearing false news reports. Any dog biting a person is automatically a pit bull, then one is put down, but people say more need to be. There was once a report of a baby killed by a pit bull. The true story is that it was a friggen pomeranian, and the pit bull tried to get the dog away from the baby. But, they way reporters see it, pomeranian attack=low ratings and crap, but a pit bull bite=everyone wanting to know and ratings go up. It disgusts me to see that. And BSL, it tears a dog who's never done a crime or bitten anyone and gets killed. When are these stupid people going to realize that if all pit bulls are dead, these people who fight them and give them the bad name, are just going to go find another breed of dog to do it to until it happens again, they'll just keep finding new breeds. Put these people in jail, don't kill the breed. Punish the deed, not the breed. I have a pit bull video up on Youtube and I was crying while making it.
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Animal Testing? Empty Re: Animal Testing?

Post  Bluebie Tue Jul 29, 2008 5:39 pm

I'm not alone anymore TTwTT

I could've sworn I heard that Pomeranian story somewhere before...
But those news folks have truly poisoned everyone's mind into thinking dog bite/dog attack must equal pit bulls.
And true that part of, if they get rid of pit bulls, dog fighters will just turn to another breed and cause the same thing over again...

Aye... this turned into all-out animal abuse instead of just animal testing...
But it, in my heart, is the biggest issue out there.
True there's AIDS and cancer and all that jazz out there that's bad and all...
But, half the world is working to help that. What are we doing to help the animals? Next to nothing!
All you hear in the news is human-related trajeties.
There is almost nothing airing the horror show of what goes on behind closed doors to animals...
Are we so self-absorbed into our own society we forget about the entire world? Kinda' like Wall-E where we're so self-absorbed with ourselves we forget what's important...
Well, if everyone else has, I may be the first to say I haven't.
Becasue animals can't say "Stop!" or "That hurts!" or "I don't like this!" and the like, I will travel the world and BE their voice. I will teach everyone their true value...
And, most of all...
Make animal testing illigal along with animal cruelty.
I just won't go insane like PETA did >_>
God bless those who are for the ASPCA.

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Animal Testing? Empty Re: Animal Testing?

Post  blitzcrege Tue Jul 29, 2008 5:54 pm

I agree there!! I'm going to become an Animal Cruelty Officer. Help those animals stuck behind those closed doors. Luckily, there are people who care enough to report incidents of abuse. God bless them. And I hate how people get mad at dogs and put them down for biting someone who was beating them! I've seen that and it is just wrong. They can't speak, its true, they do what they can. They whine, growl and bite. They at least give warnings before they attack! When a person gets bitten, its usually their fault for ignoring the signs. If a dog is growling at you and you continue what you're doing and get bit, who's fault is it? The dog can't yell at you or ask you to stop!
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Animal Testing? Empty Re: Animal Testing?

Post  MelodiousNocturne Thu Jul 31, 2008 12:04 pm

*random note*

My dog grolws all the time but it's jsut his way of saying, 'What the heck are you doing??! Ah, whatever.'
Not threateningly. And whenever he growls at someone, they freak out.
LIke, he'll growl if you pick him up, and then someone not in my family will and he'll growl and they'll freak.
I don't get it, personally. He's a really sweet dog. The only time he bites you is when he jumps up to lick your noes and miscalculates the distance!

Other than that, I'm with you. Animals are awesome, some human beings just suck, and that's pretty much my summary in a nutshell.

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Animal Testing? Empty Re: Animal Testing?

Post  erica12 Wed Jun 17, 2009 2:37 am

I disagree but is there something that i can do to stop using the animals for some test? I know it really helps a lot for human. for example in school, we bisected some animals before for us to learn for something. I hope someday we will not be needing to kill animals for our own sake.

feels good.


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